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Burek said:

I am sorry, but I cannot agree with you.

While it is the truth that oversupply of gaming website dilluted the quality of journalism considerably, there are still some good journalists that are able to report the news objectively.

I find none of the YouTube personalities that qualify as an objective journalist. They are great if you seek an entirely subjective opinion that you tend to agree with, but are never a source of news themselves (unless they make an effort to make news out of themselves).

I do agree that there is a need for a reduction of gaming websites, there will be nothing good coming out of the abundance of youtubers.

Go on...who are these good journalists? The problem is that I see most sites just regurgitating news instead of writing interesting pieces, which may be totally objective, but that doesn't mean it is good journalism. People like Jim Sterling and TotalBiscuit make some really good content centered around the news that can be fairly thought provoking and interesting. They go into more depth than I almost ever see on normal news sites, and they aren't tied down by the bureaucracy that hampers sites like the Escapist (hence the reason Jim Sterling became independant)