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I think Sony didn't need to. By the end of the holidays, supply was low. Unlike the Microsoft, Sony had to meet demand world wide. They failed as some countries like Germany were sold out. Inventory was also low in the US, so what could would a price drop do if you were already close to selling out and in other countries sold out. 

TheGoldenBoy said:

XBO has no big exclusives releasing before E3 that I know of and games like The Order, Bloodborne and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD will all boost the PS4. Also about Nov+Dec, that's why I said possibly. I expect that next holiday season they'll definitely try harder in the US. I don't know if they'll try to match the XBO in price, but I can definitely see them bundling multiple first party games to add value.

Why would they try harder this year. They will more than likely be in exactly the same position going into next holiday as they were last holiday. 

Sony increased manfucatoring capacity to have the inventory on hand to combat Microsoft next year.