mornelithe said: Maybe, or maybe he's just taken aback at the accusation when even the NFL hasn't formally filed charges of cheating. I mean, I personally would have returned that question with, "Are there any 'real' journalists in the audience who have a question based upon the facts currently presented by the NFL"? Of course, I'm way more confrontational, and have zero respect for journalists in America these days. But yeah, who knows what emotions were rolling through him at the time. Hard to convict someone because you felt like their responses weren't as clear cut as you'd like. But, I dunno, again, so much info that just isn't being revealed right now and it's only feeding the media frenzy. The video does provide reasonable doubt at this point, so unless the NFL can come up with something to cast that into doubt, well, chalk it up to another investigation the NFL fucked up royally. |
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying one can, or should, definitively accuse them of cheating cus Brady looked like he was tap dancing in an interview. Just saying if you're confident that you've done nothing wrong, you generally come out with better body language and well...confidence lol
Personally, at the end of the day all I really wanna see out of this at the end is that NFL tightens up their completely mindboggling rules in regards to the leeway given to teams in their handling of game balls. Who cares about every damn QB's perfect preferential on the state of the ball? Last time I checked the sport is called football, not namby-pamby-have-it-your-way-ball. Just get all the QBs in a room, have em give you a collective agreement on what the ball's specifications should be, and then that's what everybody gets, from the refs, at the start of every game, period end of discussion.
I didn't even know the NFL had this kind of backwards ass system until "deflate gate"