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curl-6 said:
Mythmaker1 said:

No objection here. All I ask is perspective. In the end, Zelda is little more than a plot device; fairly well-written and characterized, but still that. If the story were a car, it'd be one with bad fuel efficiency, an unreliable engine, and GPS navigation that you can't turn off. It would have very comfy seats and well-trimmed interior, though.

-I should think the difference between mechanics and story would be apparent. Is an RPG story nonsensical because NPCs don't move? Does the story of an FPS stop making sense because the player can respawn? Does the story of Wind Waker stop making sense because character models are unnaturally proportioned? The fact that dungeon layouts aren't logical has no effect on the story.

-Ganondorf spares Link because he was using him to advance his goals. Without someone to pull the Master Sword and unlock the Sacred Realm, he could not claim the Triforce.

-I never actually finished Wind Waker, so I can't say anything about the King of Red Lions. As far as Navi goes, I don't remember her witholding anything from Link. Am I missing something?

That's the thing though, the characters, like the dungeons, are there to serve as cogs in the game's progression. They do what they do so that the game can proceedf as the developers intendd. As with the dungeons, that often compromises logic, but I'm not complaining as long as it results in a game that is fun to play. Gameplay should always take priority over story  in my opinion.

I think we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this.

Probably for the best. It is a bit hard to connect the dots when they don't stop moving.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.