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Great work!
I don't really understand the "bot" part and why you need a seperate account for that, but i'm a real noob in computer stuff.

Tuesdays and Thusdays are ok. any plans on weekend activity?

To have an honest ranking we should divide the total amount of points by the times you raced (otherwise joining all races will mean high score, but not necessarily best driver), but we should also have a minimum amount of races raced to be included, otherwise it would mean someone could just win 1 race and be on top.
Anyone with good ideas on the rankings?

My idea: divide the total amount of points by 0.5 x #races, with a minimum of 20% races joined, so it is beneficial to compete a lot, but still is fair for good racers that don't compete that often.

Are we going to drive full GP's or VS matches?

Can we disable some items, to benefit racing skills? I'd like to disable squids and pow blocks if that's possible.