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It has been decent so far, though I got it in August so I should have waited a few months.

Bought it with Last of Us and inFamous SS. The first game is fantastic, but I already knew that going in. inFamous was a good game, a solid 7/10, a bit short for an open world game though.

Since then it has been download games and a couple of borrowed games. Outlast, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts and PvZ Garden Warfare were all enjoyable, CoD AW and Destiny were decent.

So it has been a decent four months for the system, although I haven't turned it on for the last few weeks because I have a decently sized backlog on my other systems. Going forward, I don't foresee any gaming droughts on the system. I have Alien Isolation and Driveclub coming in the next few days, and then Shadow of Mordor, DA: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, LBP3, Evil Within, Wolfenstein & Diablo 3 to catch up on.

And going forward, there is almost too many games I want coming out next year.