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I don't mind remasters. I do mind when a game is being remastered only a year after the original comes out with the goal of trying to make the loyal fans double dip. Looking at you Grand Theft Auto V, Last of Us, and Dark Souls II... At least Sony had a slight excuse with the Last of Us since it was an exclusive that people who only owned a 360 last gen weren't able to try. Grand Theft Auto and Dark Souls II is just straight up trying to make people buy the same game twice by staggering the releases.

Nowadays companies are having so much trouble pushing the 360/ps3 versions that some are offering free upgrades to the next gen versions of the game when you decide to get a new console. I wouldn't be suprised if we start seeing companies just release the next gen versions at a later date with all the dlc considering it seems to be working pretty well.