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Samus Aran said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Samus Aran said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Its a niche Nintendo exclusive. Nobody cares enough to give it a bad rating.

So is this game yet it has an average score. 

I'm sure harmoknight is more well known then Captain Toad. Mario has nothing on harmoknight. Especially not SM3DW.

First you claim almost one cares for Captain Toad as its too niche and now you claim the opposite for Harmoknight (assuming you're being sarcastic here)? 

Yes, the following was sarcasm. Congratulations. Here is the real meaning:

Harmoknight is not more well known than Captain Toad which was a minigame in Super Mario 3D World, which is not a niche game. Thus while the game appeals to a subset of the fanbase of SM3DW, those who actually care enough to even rate it would only be fans of the game, Captain Toad, not neccessarily SM3DW fans. Harmoknight, by contrast is completely unknown, and rather than being featured in another game, the only people who would buy it and bother to rate it would be those who simply tried it and cared enough to do so.

And for the record.

Niche does not mean unknown. Niche means that it has a small amount of appeal usually relative to other games of similar genre. For instance Dark/Demon Souls is niche despite being well known.

The opposite of Niche Appeal is mainstream appeal not being well known, that is being unknown. Clearly Captain Toad, hyped up by some fans since its announcement, is not an unknown game.

Addendum: The score dropping right now is because attention has been drawn to the fact. It is more likely and virtually certain that people are trying to bring down the user score because of the score itself rather than the game.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank