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Wii U: B Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros were good but nothing mind blowing. Bayonetta 2 was very sweet. I was disappointed in how few games that I was interested in came out this year.

PS3: D Didn't buy a single game this year and probably spent a total of 8 hours playing GTA5. Got to try the Destiny beta as well which was pretty fun.

3DS: C I probably got spoiled by how amazing last year was but this year was pretty damn disappointing to me. Smash was good. Fantasy Life was a pleasant suprise. Kirby was decent. But overall very disappointed this year.

PC: B+ Added a couple dozen new games to my collection a lot of which I was pleasantly suprised but I couldn't give it an A after my most hyped for game, Civilization Beyond Earth, ended up being disappointing. Could change to an A once I have the time to play through some of the games I bought these past few days.