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LordLichtenstein said:

The Last of Us (PS3)
7 Million Sold - as of July 16th 

The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4)
1 Million Sold - as of September 2nd

So we know, that by September 2nd The Last of Us crossed the 8 million mark, but what about now, 3 months later?

PS4 has the "GTA V + The Last of Us bundle" for $399, and judging by the retailers "best sellers list", it was a success on Black Friday. Now, if the bundle continues to sell well through Christmas, The Last of Us could potentially be looking at 10 million sold by the end of the year.

I think theres alot of confusion when it comes to totaling game sales. TLOU RM is a separate game to TLOU on PS3, adding them both together is odd. Thats like adding God Of War trilogy to the God Of War games sales, or Comparing Halo on Xbox and adding Halo Anniversary to its total sales count or Wind Waker to Wind Waker HD.. it doesnt work like that. TLOU on PS3 sold 7m, TLOU RM on PS4 sold 1+m plain and simple. The Bundles will help raise the PS4 TLOU RM while the PS3 has stopped at 7m, and to claim TLOU sold 10m is quite stupid in my opinion. That goes for all games and there remakes. I call it cheap sales, you can continue to make a game multiple times and release it every year and have a classic game sell way above 10m+ if companies wanted to. Point is 2 different games on 2 different systems.