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Nymeria said:

OTR: Ah, well happy mistake then.

The revelation was a bit much to take in.  Who was Arthur? Who was this woman? Why were the others here?

Nina could ask all of this, but time seemed to be of the essence and Nina did wish to be fre of this place.

She looked at the woman in the chair, "What do you need of me?"

The woman smiled.

Andrea Brea

"My name's Lieutenant Andrea Brea of T.E.C.H, Commander Tear sent me..."

Andrea pressed a button on the chair and all of their handcuffs deactivated.

"We need to get moving before this guy wakes up, Andrea said reloading her pistol and looking out the door, "The other members of this unit are in different prisons, we'll have to break them out later."

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank