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The organization known as T.E.C.H was simply an instrument of one man's selfish ambition for World Domination.

I, Chancellor Uria, have witnessed first hand how, while claiming to be humanity's last hope they instituted the very instruments of our destruction. As their monsters slaughtered millions and destroyed Nations, they sent their agents of discord to delude us into betraying each other.

I am proud to say that we, the reunited United Nations, have defeated this menace and become even stronger because of it. We are now a new government, a powerful gonvernment, a government that is accountable and just. For the People and by the People.

The traitors are either imprisoned or killed in action. Some of you have claimed that making permanent prisoners of those at the bottom of the organization is unjust. I assure you, none of T.E.C.H's agents are innocent or harmless, many are genetically modified and are too dangerous to even consider releasing them.

Rest assured fellow Senators, T.E.C.H is no longer a threat.

Even despite their treachery, we owe a debt of gratitude to T.E.C.H. Now that humanity is finally united, we can finally work for peace.

Long live Humanity,

Chancellor Aglaia Uria Marinos, leader of the New United Nations.

Setting: The surviving members of T.E.C.H are imprisoned in the Maximum Security Prison Tartarus, underneath the wastelands of what used to be Greece. Every cell is isolated from each other devoid of any windows, bars, and are completly soundproof. The cells emit a powerful field that neutralizes Alien Energy, meaning powers can't be used. Occassionally, the walls will become transparent, allowing prisoners to be interrogated. However, interrogations are so infrequent that all sense of time is lost.

This is the new T.E.C.H RPG thread.

*Chapter Name links to first post of story.

*T.E.C.H now has weekly updates on Saturdays

*All characters from the series are preserved.

*Game starts immedeatly.

*Anyone can jump in and leave at anytime, but a character is needed to participate.

Notice: Post Convention has changed. Refrain from posting character avatar as it takes up to much space. Only include there name, preferably bolded.

Rulebook (Most rules are exactly the same as the original T.E.C.H thread)

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank