sundin13 said:
You need to learn this. And if you don't then you deserve to be alone, honestly, I know that sounds harsh, but that is the whole "survival of the fittest".
We place so much emphasis on learning skills like learning to drive, learning history ... etc. etc. etc. but if you don't have the social skills to know when it's appropirate to approach and woman and how to approach a woman ... honestly, you simply don't have the life lessons you needed to learn as a guy.
Less time with the video games and more time invested in things that actually matter might be a start. I don't honestly say that to be mean, but guys really need to understand this.
Socialibility and the ability to speak to women is a learned skill.
Approaching a girl on the street, when you are standing on the sidewalk or walking in the opposite direction is a tough go. Approaching in a nightclub, bar, party, Starbucks/coffee shop, gym are all good. Women feel "safe" there. If you are going to approach a girl cold on the street your first responsibility as a guy is to show a woman you are A) safe/friendly B) someone worth talking to (ie: funny or engaging).