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Dark_Feanor said:
Nicklesbe said:

Then why waste your time here every single time with the same nonsense and bad logic? If you were truly enjoying it you would be gaming right now, having fun, instead of spending so much time hating on the competition and throwing illogical fits when the console of your choice doesn't sell better than the competition. I can't help but wonder if you ever game all since you spend so much energy worshiping Xb1 and trying to piss in sony's cheerios.

I can´t disprove I´m a XB1 worshiper. Sorry, I´ve insisting since the begin of this genaration. But it looks like if you are not in the "PS4 is the best, 200mi total sales, PS2 era, return of the king" you are a delusional XOne fanboy, destined to die alone in that barren wasteland... 

I only post here when I´m at my work. But it won´t be for long, I intend to do master degree in software/hardware co-design next year.

I rarely use my computer at home, only to play Dota 2. Out of my 6 hours not sleeping at home I usualy play 2 hours (1 Dota match, 2 Titanfall an 1 Battlefield 4 matches).

PS: I´m also a athiest and dwell in Richard Downkins and Chirstopher HItchens boards. So, that would explain why I don´t like data with no proof and conformis.

That's because you're stuck in this us vs them mentality that came about from last year. Its simple, don't hate congratulate. Console Preferences shouldn't go beyond what console you prefer to play on. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank