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kljesta64 said:

I dont know what to tell you but there are more questions than answers...

while this was a giant hit the WTC took its still a bit weird since never in history has a steel building collapsed from heavy fire and to believe that building 7 did is even more unbelievable.. also witnesses survivors who were in the building at the time of the tragedy reported hearing heavy machinery,noises from not one but several floors.. no clear pictures of debris everything was sold before there could be a investigation and where are the videotapes of the people on the airport ? who was on that plane ? no bodies recovered to families the man who predicted 9/11 got killed by police/investigators (yes that guy exists) and the list goes on and on...

I have already exhaustively spoke about Building 7. I suggest reading the full NIST report if you still have doubts. 

As for some of the other things, obviously witnesses would hear various noises on several floors. I don't think that surprises anyone. Things were collapsing, fires were burning, debris was falling and colliding with various other things. Additionally, I don't really know exactly how accurate reports are of people who were more worried about their imminent death than anything else on the time.

As for the planes, there is footage from one airport, but other footage is being witheld. Why? I dunno...must be a conspiracy right? The only line of logic that that falls in line with is that their either was no planes or no one on the planes, which would mean that all of the families of the victims of the people who were on those planes must have been in on it, the phone calls must have been fakes and a lot of other things would have had to have been faked. It just doesn't add up.

The bodies were probably undistinguishable and lost. I'm sure there are a lot of bodies that were unable to be recovered that day.

All of these little questions don't make a mass conspiracy, especially when most of them have a fairly logical answer.