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o_O.Q said:

lol i knew this reply was coming and that's why i posted that

a pyramid can be consider as a heirarchy of abstraction

meaning that moving towards the base the topic at hand is less specific and moving to the pinnacle the topic becomes more specific

therefore if the topic at hand is those with knowledge then those at the pinnacle are most informed

that was all i was saying lol but i know your type so i know you'd run with it and jump into all sorts oif irrelevent bs about egypt and celebrities holding their hands up in a cetain way which is completely irrelevent to the point i made lol

And what does implied symbolism mean other than implied symbolism? I can draw a penis and say the balls represent godly people and the tip represent the beast satan and people will believe me. you know like this guy Aleister Crowley did.

He went to Egypt and got obsessed with the ancient symbols so created a religion out of nowhere and now people follow him. 

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, Love is the law love under will.


He just wanted to have an orgy.