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TLOU was not hyped as hell. I was virutally unknown until it started getting rave reviews. TLOU:RE was Hyped, and that was because it came from TLOU. Recognize TLOU didn't release with 200 game of show of awards like TF but it later got game of the year. Its not hype if its after the release. GTA V is also a GTA game, its always going to be good.

The main concern I've seen with Destiny is despite being Quality, its nothing new, just a hodge podge of old things. Old things that don't exist for older games to be compared too. What is the original Gears of Wars compared to? Doom? Yes its overhyped, but that toxic overhyping didn't exist to the degree it is now.  Also bad writing.

Even if it was boring and safe as some people think, couple years back that would've been an 8

I mean even last year, battlefield which was broken on release got an 85, while this is getting a 75 for being "boring", clearly reviewers are being harsher because we are coming from a time, where reviewers aren't being taken seriously.

Hype is sells games, but its also toxic if the game doesn't meet they hype and sure Bungie kind of sparked it themselves, but Gamers are the ones overhyping everything as well. If you think 2015 will be better with this toxic enviroment persisting, even getting worse, I highly doubt it. I'll be able to count the 90+ games on my hand.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank