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mornelithe said:
kupomogli said:

Bungie  only made $500 million off the deal, while Activision gets the next big franchise.  In the next eight years, we're guaranteed to see atleast four more Destiny titles and Bungie is going to only be paid regular development costs, so we'll say 50 million per year, while Activision profits billions per game.

Now I do agree it's Activision that took the risk as there's the possibility that Destiny wouldn't become the next big thing.  In that case it would have been Bungie that won out.  I just feel that Bungie's probably wishing they asked for more.

Uh no, I don't think that's quite correct.  Just because they have a contract that involves Activision investing X amount of dollars into the IP over 10 years, doesn't mean that that is all Bungie will get from games released.  I would be _highly_ surprised if that were the case.  There could be wording in there to limit Bungie's profits until the $500 mil investment is paid off, but there's no way the contract would stop bungie from getting a % with each game sold.

they are certainly getting a nice bonus.
But the vast majority of the profits will still go to Activision.