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Vena said:
Conina said:

Have they? How much has the PlayStation branch of Sony lost on the PS1? How much has it lost on PS2? How much has it lost on PS3? How much has it lost on PSP? How much has it lost on PSV?

Sony lost something like 4.9$ billion on the PS3. It pretty much offset their gains on the PS2 and then some.

But that was not his claim. He said "they have lost on every console money."

And that's totally wrong. The playstation branch made $5.3 billion profit in 1995 - 2005.

By the way, your "$4.9 billion losses on the PS3" are wrong, too. Since 2009 up to this year, the game segment had losses of $4.0 billion and that includes heavy losses from the problematic PC business in the years 2009 + 2010:

They had heavy losses in the game segment from 2006 - 2008: $3.8 billion. Another loss for the new branch "networked products & services" in 2009 ($0.9 billion), but mainly due to the underperforming PC business. In 2010, "networked products & services" made a profit of $0.43 billion, and it would have been even higher without the inclusion of PC sales. "A category that favorably impacted the change in segment operating results was the game business, reflecting significant cost reductions of PlayStation®3(“PS3”) hardware and higher unit sales of PS3 software."

In 2011, the game segment had another profit of $0.29 billion. 2012 and 2013 had minimal profits/losses despite the huge costs which come with every development and launch of a new home console.