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eva01beserk said:

This goes for seece as well.

That 20k on shelves does make sence, but on its own is not definate proof. Right now what you are saying is that something might be wrong so its up to ioi to figure out where the error was made. If you had some proof, other then speculation then it might be taken into account. Like if you knew from where the overtracking was made, or if you knew an error some trusted information gave then fine, but you dont.

Look at this thread that got the x1 adjusted down:

There it shows with real proof where the overtracking was done and ioi changed it almost right away. Do you, or anyone for that matter has anything of the sort to suport that argument? No. They just keep coming with the same excuse that its imposible for only 20k to be available. Untill some real unrefutable evidenc rises up, I think you people should shut up about the same argument, since ioi is not taking it into account and thats all that matters. 

ioi's taking a lot of things not into account that is posted in the forums. That has nothing to do with them being right or wrong.
You've been a member here for 3 months, most of us here for several years. 6 years in my, Torillian's and Seece's case.
Seriously we know how it's working. We've seen multiple comparisons of actual reported sales and shipments in the past. We know what ioi himself said on numerous occasions with the same exact topic (just with other consoles/handhelds).
For a piece of hardware, 20k (60k with Japan) that is selling ~60k a week IS impossible.
There are too many stores, there have to be at least some in stock in each of them. No retailer would order "1" WiiU to put it on shelves.
They can't correctly predict how many WiiUs are going to be sold in what parts of a country, so there have to be some in stock in EVERY smaller region.