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Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:

Its ok Nintendo has the more important MH, which Capcom Abandoned Vita as a revelant platform for :-/

They've released a game for Vita in the past two weeks...

Whereas they haven't released or even announced a Resi for 3DS for more than two years and have publically said that they wished for Revelations to sell better and skipped 3DS with a game which could more than run on it.

What he said, although something I'm sure you don't want to hear as a big Nintendo fan, isn't untrue in any way based on what Capcom have been doing lately.  Your comment seems like a jab for the sake of taking a jab, as well as not really being grounded in any sort of reality.

→→→→ Do you have to argue with him in every Japanese sales thread? ←←←←

If you call that a Vita game then sure, i meant a real MH one but wateves. 3ds got a real RE and is miles better than the last main one RE6.

As for the comment of me being a nintendo fan, it doesn't hurt me one bit that RE R2 will not be on Nintendo systems, in fact i expected it. Im not the type of person to port beg and cry over trivial matters. Example KH3 just makes too much sense to be on WiiU as a multiplat than X1, but i understand why its there (not on wiiu) and i'll be purchasing it on my ps4.

Im a fan of RE games and have played all the main ones on ps platforms (aside from RE4). 

And im not going to deny it was a jab, that was my point. Im not the only one to seem to do so either.

As for the "→→→→ ←←←←" in your post, answer is unfortunately yes.


Edit: Dont take it the wrong way, im just trying to be honest here and i have no problem with you overall :)  I just find it very irritating..... Nuff said


Double Edit: You underestimate me :-/