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Avro1958 said:
Thing is I would not describe LBP 3 as a multiplatform game though... I mean, yes it's out on both the PS3 and PS4 but it is exclusive... I think of exclusives as something I cannot get on another company's system. Same goes with Forza... Now a game like Dead Rising 3 I can get on another competing platform so IMO is not a true exclusive anymore. People were talking about how Mario Kart 8 was not an exclusive as you could get it on the 3ds and that it would steal sales... Do you really think Nintendo cared? They were getting paid either way..

If a definition changes based on how you think about it, then thats not really a definition now is it?

An apple is still an apple even if somebody thinks its a pear.

LBP3 is exclusive to the Playstation Brand, and Sony wants to call it exclusive because its sounds better than multiplat. But console brand is irrelevant to whether or not something is a multiplat by definition. 1 platform = Exclusive, 1 platform > Multiplat

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank