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With regards to the Wii U, most of what happened was remembered for various reasons.

Lets recall 2012-2013

The Pros:

Sufficent third party support compared to now.

Most powerful console at the time.

Tablet controller allows for play without a television.

Few delays relative to releases.

The Cons:

Poor advertisment of the system resulted in the failure of the Wii U to capitalize on its headstart.

Wii U was the most expensive console at the time.

The power gap between it and the last gen consoles, barring the Wii U, wasn't enough to overcome the price difference against console which were not only drastically cheaper, but had a much larger user base, which took a lot of the Wii U's multiplat consumers. This is assuming that a substational portion of those who bought a Wii U had a PS3 or 360.

This resulted in poor sales of multiplats on the Wii U and led to much of the situation it is in right now.

The releases were scheduled farther and farther apart eventually leading releases in seasons rather than monthly or bimonthly.


While we have yet to see how the Wii U will do in its second year, Nintendo completely squandered the Wii U, underestimating the competition and priotritizing the 3DS, which wasn't where they wanted it to be atm. Although, its not too late for it to sell well, the usual Nintendo Lifecycle of 5 years will not be enough time. The best thing for Nintendo to do is upgrade their infrastructure and support the Wii U, the same way Sony did with the PS3, in order to better prepare there next console for release.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank