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UltimateUnknown said:

I was pleasantly surprised by the above list since a lot of lists tend to contain anime that people deem "manly", in other words ones with a lot of fighting. This list though has a very good balance of action, comedy, romance, adventure, horror and pretty much all genres anime tend to cover and those are some great titles.

Then of course there is school days. Oh god the horror, the trauma. I wouldn't have put it there just because I wouldn't want a fellow human being to suffer through what I suffered. It has been over 8 years that I watched School Days and the horror does not fade. THE ENDING ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

I don't know why people always complain about the ending. The whole anime in its length was a torture trip(in a good way). The ending was just the logical conclusion. I found the ending to be rather relieving after all the suffering. A quick death is always preferable to years of mental torture.

School Days will always be a master piece of psychological drama but for some reason people only remember it for the gory ending that wasn't even nearly as cruel and graphic as the rest of the story.

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