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This is my table I made myself in excel over the years.

- I haven't come around to add all producers yet
- genres are sorted from the most prevalent
- high rating doesn't equal fun watch in my system
- bold are my favorite animes
- my system only has a range from 5-10 because I can find merit in any anime
- Kill la Kill is the very first and only Anime to ever get a 10. Before it I never thought it would be possible for any anime to reach a 10
- list does not include movies or OVA only animes
- I've been watching anime since the start of 2010
- some of the 8.5s and especially 8s don't deserve such a high rating. I need to revise this when I change my rating system

I wanted to do this as HTML but that would've been too big. Also the file is quite large(7mb)

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