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Captain_Tom said:


-The surface tablet was a great idea, but they announced it a year before it came out.  By the time they released it there were other better and cheaper Windows 8 alternatives.  Tablets aren't new, Apple found how to make them popular and MS only jumped on the band wagon when they saw other's make money.

-It's the same thing with the Windows Phone.  They doubted smartphones until Apple made them work, and then jumped on the bandwagon again.

-They have been in the gaming industry by default, not by choice  (Developers know most people have Windows).  However instead of capitalizing on Window's gaming success, they got greedy when they saw the PS One's success.  The original Xbox was a "Me Too!" device that had more crap thrown on it (Like the Surface and Windows Phone).

They don't create markets, they leech off them.  Almost every other tech giant I can think of created a few revolutionaty fields they continue to compete in till this day.

- I have owned ALOT of tablets, and none of them comes close to the Surface in quality. MS actually worked with tablets long before Apple entered the market:  What you are talking about is packaging, Apple made tablets popular by creating an image around them. MS primarily made the software but it just goes to show that they have been dedicated to this area for a very long time.

- Once again, you are missing that MS has been in the smartphone/PDA bussines longer than Apple or Google: And btw, they bought Nokias phone division! That is not leeching, that is commitment to the industry.

- In what way was the original XBox a "me too"-device? It was the first console with a built in harddrive, they revolutionzed online gaming with XBL and offered broadband out of the box. They also started years befored, by making the operating system for Dreamcast, just as how Sony got into the industry by first collborating with Nintendo. So by your way of reasoning, Sony are leechers aswell?

I do not question that MS copies ideas from others (everyone does) but seeing at things like Kinect, they are also pushing the industry forward:

And to finish of with this silly "leeching", Apple wouldn´t even be in this industry today, had it not been for MS: