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Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Congrajulations you chose option number 3.
Despite this meaningless dribble

" Clearly you proved my point as to why I would not waste my time engaging you in any formal discussion/debate.

Your contradicting statements alone truly portrayed your character, especially the fact that you ran to the mods to report me, which was rather amusing.

Regardless, it's my own fault for wasting my time even providing you a response and allowing myself to be annoyed.

So with that I say, good day."

As for these lies:

"First you claim you argued sematics, then you claimed you didn't argue at all, it seems these responses your providing are all over the place. I`m not understanding where this reasoning is coming from."

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Here you go: ;)

"As I`ve stated you will not get your links as it is a simple google. You seem to take this very seriously......." Refuses to provide evidence while simultaneously claiming evidence is easy to obtain. <- contradiction

"You claim I have no proof but a simple backtrack through this thread will indicate that I have given you an insurmountable amount of proof by copying and pasting your responses which proved that you were contradicting yourself." Claims proof exists, refuses to give it.

"I will reiterate again that you please thoroughly read through the responses you have provided as even though you will most likely not admit it in this forum, but maybe just maybe you will accept the fact that the proof of what I`ve claimed against you is in your own responses." You made the claim, so it is your obligation to support it, not for me to prove it for you. Unless you are a child, don't ask me to prove your arguments for you.

"When did I ever state that I thought you were going to give up ? You can continue on as much as you like and I will then continue to respond. This can go on as long or as little as you want it to go." once again, despite this, the subsequent post:

" Clearly you proved my point as to why I would not waste my time engaging you in any formal discussion/debate.

Your contradicting statements alone truly portrayed your character, especially the fact that you ran to the mods to report me, which was rather amusing.

Regardless, it's my own fault for wasting my time even providing you a response and allowing myself to be annoyed.

So with that I say, good day."

As for the evidence that you have finally relinquished:

"This is the first gen where Sony and M$ have released relatively weak hardware” - Google the components of what was considered a powerful PC for each console generation and compare it with the components launched from Sony & MS (Nintendo as well if we go back tothe N64 days)

Expect new consoles no later than 2019 (M$ will launch it's next system alongside Nintendo in 2018)” - Google the normal lifespan of consoles, vs the fact that the current hardware is underpowered compared to previous gens and the fact that both companies are making profit early on. You can then google Nvidia`s current roadmap and how they current mainline video cards are substantially ahead of what the PS4 and Xbone has and voila there you go......

The 10 year plan is wishful thinking at best and so is 100mill sales” - Already advised this was my opion based on numerous factors including the one`s addressed in the previous two quotations" not links, sources cannot be verified. You spent the time searching them, its literally a non issue to post the links those quotes are from.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank