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Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

So we haven't argued, yet we've side tracked into a semantics argument which would classify as an argument......deos it hurt to live in your head? I've seen someone so confused and contradicting in their reponses before, I feel embarassed for you. As for your request I will copy and post again "" I've wasted enough time arguing with idiots"

A semantics argument that you proposed when I exposed your lack of evidence.

You can continue to insult me, but it won't change anything at all.

If you can't back up your claims just admit it. 

It's simple.

Clearly you proved my point as to why I would not waste my time engaging you in any formal discussion/debate.

Your contradicting statements alone truly portrayed your character, especially the fact that you ran to the mods to report me, which was rather amusing.

Regardless, it's my own fault for wasting my time even providing you a response and allowing myself to be annoyed.

So with that I say, good day.

This is hilarious, you keep digging yourself into a hole by making up various ways to discredit me despite the fact that I haven't even argued against you.

Go on then, show how I am contrading myself, oh you can't?

Of course you can't I'm not even making an argument against you.

Just admit you have no proof, and stop wasting the time you claim to be so precious to you. I, on the other hand, can continue to rip apart your crap until the end of time, because I can make time in my schedule to deal with people like you.

Embarassing, I've given you the benifit of the doubt, even though I knew you where just parroting someone elses opinions, ill equiped to defend them or even provide evidence for them should you be called out on them.

I knew by asking you "citation needed" instead of providing the evidence, you would scramble to try and change the subject and discredit me, because you didn't have any evidence, but I was entertaining the thought of you actually having evidence and me being wrong.

But unfortunately, and hilariously, I am right.

The only thing you had to do was provide a link backing up your claims, that would've ended right there and then, instead you said it was common sense, anyone with a grasp of how arguments work would know that is not evidence.

What, you thought that I would just give up, because you posted links about me being delusionals and having fallacious argument? 

That could've worked if I didn't understand how to make a valid argument and I was unaware of the fact that I didn't make any argument.

You have 3 options as of now: Two of which you can take, one of which will vindicate you

1. Provide evidence of your intial claim. (If its not obvious, this is the option which you cannot do, because you have no evidence. As I've reiterated, if you could have done this, then you would posted a graph or a link to your claim, instead of foolishly saying it was common sense. This was when you screwed yourself over. You thought it was funny, I thought it was funny too. But not for the same reason. This is the only option that would add credibility to your argument)

2. Do not respond, forfiet participation. (Effectively admiting, that you have no argument and you created this sidetrack to hide the fact that you do. Obviously, this is the one that you have claimed many times to do, but at the very least if you do this one, then you look less foolish, because at the very least you decided to quit before it got anyworse)

3. Continue with your pointless banter. (Further proving that you cannot provide evidence, or even using more incorrect irrelvant arguments to further embarass yourself. This is the most hilarious of options, but since you are not the OP, that level of offtaskness would surely lead to moderation. So this is the least advise option)

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank