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Arkaign said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Yep. Balmer has been ignoring shareholders for years. Its only because Sony has a multimedia OS and threatened the PC market with their dominance in the console realm why Bill Gates even signed up on the Xbox project in the first place. If Sony wasn't a visible threat to Microsofts multimedia OS monopolizing dreams they wouldn't have entered the gaming industry. They would've stayed right on Apples heels and kept publishing Flight Simulator like happy little boys. I have to hand it to them, they didn't increase the gaming market but they did take a chunk out of Sony's  expected marketshare last gen. ;)


Microsoft will continue to pursue trying to discourage Sony's market growth. If Sony destroys them it will only encourage investors even further that the gaming industry is distracting them. Profit in gaming is nothing for Microsoft. They don't need to be here, but as long as Sony thrives, they have all the reason they need. Well either that...or Sony gives up and probably agrees to partner with them, because thats half the reason they are breathing down their necks as well.


^ That doesn't sound logical to me. iPod threatened them more than home consoles ever have, because it was a door into tons of young consumers with disposable income (and leads to Macbook/iPhone sales of course).

Microsoft's answer was Zune. It tried. It was actually a great product. But it failed, and MS canned it.

Microsoft doesn't care one crap about Sony's 'market growth'. Sony is INFINITELY less of an issue in relation to Microsoft in contrast to Apple/Google. Why do you think they're buying phone companies, screaming 'MOBILE/CLOUD is NUMERO UNO!"? Apple and Google can cause real harm to Microsoft, and have already in fact. Sony? They could sell 100M Vitas and 200M PS4s and it wouldn't mean jack squat to MS. In fact, if MS Game Studios made software and provided servers for those platforms, they could actually out-profit Sony on their own devices. Do you think it's lost on investors that Activision and Rockstar EASILY made more money off of Xbox than Microsoft ever did? Fat chance.

Trust me...i've been reading up on this stuff for years. Microsoft is 100% in the gaming industry eyes fixed on Sony and no one else. There are many reasons why but from all the videos ive seen and things i've read this seems to be the primary issue:

1) Sony brought multimedia OS devices to gaming and dominated that increasing their marketshare and influence with said OS. It scared bill gates.

2) Sony would not partner with Microsoft. 

 The Ipod serves the same purprose to fuel Microsofts ascent to the industry. Sony had made videogame consoles multimedia devices which is EXACTLY where the IPOD was headed. 

I assure you, if the Zune could've put a major dent in Apples Ipod profits like Microsoft did to Sony they would've kept it.

Look up the reason why Microsoft joined the gaming industry. Sony is written all over it. The core developers of the Xbox genuinely wanted to go into the gaming industry, but Sony was the reason Microsoft joined. 

Nintendo was never a threat to was Sony. They dominated the industry with record setting sales, expanding the industry and changing its focus to being multimedia devices as well as gaming consoles.

 “The main reason was to stop Sony. You see, Sony and Microsoft…they never had a very friendly relationship, okay? And this wasn’t because Microsoft didn’t want that. Sony was always very arm’s length with Microsoft.

Yeah, they bought Windows for their PCs but when you really take a hard look at that, they were never Microsoft’s friend. And Microsoft in a way wanted them to be a friend because they knew they had a lot of things we could have co-operated on because they are, in a way, an entertainment company, you know?"

- Former Microsoft executive Joachim Kempin

More from Kempin on Sony and Microsofts relationship