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A little while ago, I was with a group of people that I knew and respected when the topic of religion came up. At some point, I mentioned that I was an atheist. One of the people in the Group, a self-described "Christian" (who to my knowledge has not gone to church any time recently) argued that since I did not believe in any God, I could not possibly have any real sense of morality. Apparently, I was worse than Neo-Nazis who worship Hitler because they at least believed in Hitler, which made them better than me. He then proceeded to tell me that he just wanted me to convert because he liked me and didn't want to see me be tortured eternally in Hell.

Now, normally comments like this would not bother me. I spend time on the internet, so I can deal with a bit of bashing. The thing is, this hurt me a lot because it came from somebody who I trusted and considered a friend. Considering how they thought I was worse than Hitler-worshipping Neo-Nazis, I guess he didn't feel the same way.

And this is not the first time this has happened to me! Several times over the past decade since I've decided I was probably an atheist, Christians who I have trusted have told me similar things. I did not believe in a God, and this apparently made me the worst person possible. Even though they claimed to like me, I was apparently the worst kind of scum.

In the past, this sort of thing just made me sad. This time though, I was angry. Angry enough so that I decided to wait a few days before going on the internet for any period of time, lest I go on some tirade about how Christians are horrible people or something like that. Because since the last time this has happened, I've realized that I'm not the one at fault here. I've calmed down a bit now though, and would like to ask for a favor from any Christians here on VGChartz:

If somebody who trusts and respects you mentions they're an atheist DO NOT TELL THEM THAT THEY'RE WORSE THAN HITLER-WORSHIPPING NEO-NAZIS!!! All you're going to do is convince them that you were manipulating them and destroy any ties you have with them. Because as it turns out, telling someone that they're the worst thing they can think of is not conducive to a mutually constructive relationship!!!


tl;dr Don't be two-faced manipulative assholes to people who trust you.


P.S. Technically this can apply to more than just Christians, but in every situation I've been in, it's been Christians telling me how horrible I was.

Love and tolerate.