CladInShadows said:
The Nintendo of today is NOT the Nintendo of the NES/SNES era. I think that may be one of the flaws in your argument. In Gen 3, Nintendo had a ton of third party support. Mainly because it was really the only game in town. But during Gen 4, it faced healthy competition from Sega, and a few of the other consoles that popped up at the time, like the Turbo Grafx, 3DO, Jaguar, etc. But they still had a lot of third party support. There were multiplatform games in Gen 4. Quite a few of them. In understand what you're trying to say in your argument. I even agree with some of it. The industry that exists today is very little like the industry of the late 80s and early 90s. But it's a natural evolution. I would argue that the biggest change came from gen 6 to gen 7, honestly. The era of publishers taking no risks, and developers going out of business. Some things you and others say just reek of ignorance due to you not being there at the time. You let current Nintendo influence how you perceive the Nintendo of old. The stuff I was ignorant about, I didn't mention. |
You're right.
However, the only purpose of this analysis is to assess why the PS4, X1, and WIi U are performing as such. The traditonal market as it stands has requirements that the Wii U has problems meeting. When 3rd party is actively dropping the system mid development, and the burden is so strenous, perhaps this is indictave of market addressal. That's what I'm suggesting.
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank