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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
sundin13 said:
But the PS4 isn't really selling super well...? Its relatively good, but its more that XBO/Wii U are selling badly, and I think that the argument is that PS4 doesn't deserve to be selling so well relative to the others.

The fact that the PS4 is no longer killing it in the sales charts sort of destroys the whole video >.> (it also sounds like the guy who made it is a major fanboy...)

Sounds like excuses. Also what kind of fanboy does he sound like, because BrokenGamez is a PC gamer. He only buys exclusives on console. Perhaps he sounds like a fanboy to you because you disagree with him? 

What sounds like excuses? PS4 is selling well, but it isn't doing just looks like it because the XBO and Wii U are selling badly. Compare its sales to the Wii's first summer (2007) where it had a baseline around 250k, or check out the summer of 2008 where all three consoles and both handhelds were routinely over 100k in sales...Yeah, 100k for the first summer is good but is it something to brag about? Not really...

Also, I mainly said he sounded like a fanboy because of all the "Playstation always delivers" just sounds like he is over selling it a bit and it sounds silly.

Note: My comment about him being a fanboy what just a minor note that was far from my main point, hence it being in parenthesis. Certainly not something to get fixated on.