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QuintonMcLeod said:
Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

Except TLoU is a game that was released a year and a half ago with no original plans to bring it to the PS4. The new "remastered" version is only a graphics increase with DLC. Meanwhile, WWHD is a decade old game which was truly remastered, and GTA4 was planned to come to the nextgen platforms regardless.

The bottom line is this: TLoU: RM is a port. No more and no less. When people get excited for a port, thats when you know they have no games to play.

"Development of Remastered started immediately after the development of the PlayStation 3 version ended"

Come again? Kinda nullifies what you said about GTAV. And funnily enough that you ended with "when people get excited for a port, that's when you know they have no games to play" because that's precisely what I said Xbox fans would say about PS port/remaster vs talking about the Master Chief Collection.

BMaker11 said:

And it's not dumb to make value comparisons when you're talking about something trying to sell a system (and then you guys bringing up the argument of how it's so much better than a Sony game). If I could get 3/4 of a collection at this very moment on a 360, I'm not hyping up and waiting for it for 5 months and I'm definitely not dropping $460 just to get 1 extra game. I won't count myself since I already have a PS4, but imagine how you'd think if people said they were getting a PS4 because of a Ratchet and Clank collection or something? You'd probably say the same thing I am: "that you can get those games at this very moment. If you're hyped for mere remakes (instead of new games), then you must not have anything else to play"

 Not to bring in another topic and derail the thread, just a funny observation for me