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LudicrousSpeed said:
BMaker11 said:

I'll eat that I screwed up the DLC pricing, but that's only because I didn't know TLOU had a season pass. You look up "TLOU DLC" and it tells you about Left Behind and the 2 map packs. Look up "Halo 4 DLC" and it'll show you the War Games pass.

If I Google both right now I get a page one LoU Season Pass related search, and absolutely nothing about a "War Games pass" for the other. Either way this is irrelevant, honest and complete comparisons are a must.

BMaker11 said:
But other than that, I believe my assessment was fair, since I did all the pricing based on secondhand markets. And eBay is not only regional to me and only I can get those prices. And I'm sure there are mom and pop used games stores all over the world, not just the one I shop at. For example, this random game store in Texas has Halo 3 and Fable 2 for $20, effectively making Halo 3 $10 (Halo 3 didn't pop up alone for this one). Or you can get it for $6, right this moment on eBay. Anyway, it's not like I just have it lucky with a store with low prices.  

You found an auction on Ebay that already ended for a used copy of Halo 3, yet are using the retail price of Last of Us for some odd reason. In a few seconds using the same website I found Last of Us with free shipping for $12 recently won in an auction. I guess that makes LoU value $12? So we're now down to $32 value for LoU when you add on the $20 Season Pass, since you can find it on Ebay for $12 shipped. Gotcha. So Sony is only marking it up $18 for 1080p60. Lets take your logic and apply the math to Halo 3 and Halo 4, shall we?

Halo 3 Ebay auction: $6.50 shipped + $18 1080p60 upcharge from LoU = $24.50. Plus $17 worth of DLC = $41.50
Halo 4 Ebay auction: $10 shipped + $18 1080p60 upcharge from LoU = $28. Plus $35 worth of DLC ($25 for War Games pass, $10 for Champions bundle which AFAIK is separate) = $63.

So for Halo 3 and Halo 4 alone you are looking at $104.50 going by your logic. Add in your Ebay auction price of $14.50 shipped for Halo CE Anniversary add on the $18 1080p60 upcharge, and you're looking at $137. Wow. Thanks for opening our eyes to the true value the Halo Collection includes.

BMaker11 said:
That's why I said it depends on how much value you place in Halo 2, because I wasn't going to put a dollar amount on it and at the same time, it's not available to play, right now.

It's not just Halo 2. The collection is the first time you can actually play Halo CE MP. That's a huge draw for many as well.

BMaker11 said:
As far as Halo 1, if you're really gonna split hairs about the maps since they aren't identical but instead "re-imaginings" of the old maps, I'll give you that. But I know I wouldn't get up in arms (or use it as a talking point) to say "these maps are similar, but they just aren't the same". Beta access, sure, that's fine...but betas are free anyway?? So that just leaves the Halo series. Some people will care about that, but, and this is just me, I wouldn't say or be getting hyped because "this is the best offering this winter because it has access to a TV show"


lol it's not "splitting hairs". The anniversary edition only includes some of the maps, and they are all done in the Reach engine and remade to take its gameplay into account. It's not Halo CE. This is why MS is making a big distinction with the MC Collection that it includes MP in its real form, as it was years ago. Again, something you cannot put a set value on.

On the other hand, we can add a set value on the Halo series. It will be $15 standalone. I think that ups us to $152. And betas typically are free, eventually. Who knows with this one. I highly doubt they are going to include beta access in the collection only to have people playing the same thing at the same time for free.

So thanks to you and Sony we can now nail down this comparison at $32 worth of content in LoU plus the upcharge for a total of $50.
In the MC Collection we have $152 worth of content and upcharges, not counting Halo 2 and its upcharge, for $60.

I think we can close this case. Or you can continue, I just wanted to show how dumb these value comparisons are.

#1 Google "The Last of Us DLC" and you see "Left Behind" "Grounded" "New Maps". Google "Halo 4 DLC" and the Halo Wiki comes up with details on each DLC and when you get to Halo 4, they all say "Free with War Games Pass"

#2 I used an auction that still had time on it, actually (I just sorted by "Ending Soonest"). Not that you were obligated to respond sooner but the auction was a 3 day one, and it sold for $6 by the time you looked at it. But for some reason you ignored a store price I showed you (the Texas game store)? Or say that I use TLOU retail price? No, it still goes for $30+ on ebay. The only one I see, right now, anywhere near as cheap as $12 are disc only auctions. If you want to go that route, that significantly reduces the prices for the Halo games. Halo 3 + ODST would be like $7 total combined, and since ODST has all the maps, that would negate any need to download them. Then Halo 4 is around the same price + $25 war games pass + $10 Champions bundle. You somehow get $104.50 out of that?! Halo Anniversary would, then, be $8. I don't know why you have a "1080p60 $18 upcharge", because it doesn't exist. It baffles me that you're calling an effectively GOTY edition an "upcharge". Find me one GOTY that hasn't launched at full price, and then maybe I'll consider what you're saying.

Anyway, the 3 Halos I've talked about in this discussion are sitting smooth at $57. Again, leaving Halo 2, Halo Series, and a beta as the only "new" things. I've already said I won't try to ascertain the value of Halo 2 but a TV show and a free beta? You can have that. That ain't even what I'm mad at.

And it's not dumb to make value comparisons when you're talking about something trying to sell a system (and then you guys bringing up the argument of how it's so much better than a Sony game). If I could get 3/4 of a collection at this very moment on a 360, I'm not hyping up and waiting for it for 5 months and I'm definitely not dropping $460 just to get 1 extra game. I won't count myself since I already have a PS4, but imagine how you'd think if people said they were getting a PS4 because of a Ratchet and Clank collection or something? You'd probably say the same thing I am: "that you can get those games at this very moment. If you're hyped for mere remakes (instead of new games), then you must not have anything else to play"