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And by the way it seems your thinking there are a lot of "OP" pokemon that got megas but I can only think of 2 which are Mewtwo and Blaziken. The others like lucario and Gengar were good and got a great boost to make them "OP" while others like Kanghaskhan and Charizard were awful before but now got an excellent boost.

No, I'm thinking that there's many "very good" pokemon to get Megas, rather than just okay or bad pokemon.


Not necessarily, different pokemon fit diffrent needs yes some pokemon got better mega evos but that deosnt make the other ones useless. Thats also why they have tiers (If you play competivily) to diversify the pokemon you can use. 


I know about tiers, yes. Though always remember that the casual audience is always much larger and so should be looked at first. With no tiers, the battles will all be M-Blaziken/M-Gengar/M-Mewtwo or whatever. That's what I've heard is the case online.


And while I also agree with the "different megas fulfil different needs" idea, and will definitely be using some lesser used Megas whenever I get a 3DS and this game, there is already a tonne of talk about "this Mega is fine, but not worth giving up your Mega slot because [insert the popular, super good megas here] exist" for half of them. Heck, even for Mega Sableye, and the game isnt out yet. I understand restricting the Megas to one per team, but doing that should have come with making the power difference between them less large and making it more of a "use this depending on your strategy" case.

Who cares about looking for a strategy when you can just use protect once as M-Blaziken and then Speed Boost to win or just send out Mega Gengar and Destiny Bond any pokemon you want, garanteed?