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snowdog said:

No semantics involved at all.

Any argument regarding the definition of a term is semantical, by the defintion of semantic.


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of, pertaining to, or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols: semantic change;semantic confusion.

A game that is said to be 'polished' cannot, by definition,

An arbitrary definition that you believe to be commonplace, the fact that I disagreed with it in the first place means that its not common knowledge.

 be 'really buggy' whatever genre it is. Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii is a polished game, and Xenoblade Chronicles X will be a polished game. Skyrim is not a polished game by any stretch of the imagination, same goes for Oblivion before it

I'm a big fan of the Elder Scrolls franchise and have been since it started with the very first game.

The worst thing to happen to gaming was the popularity of the internet in the average home. This allowed publishers in the 7th generation to release unpolished games and allowed them to patch the bugs at a later date.

Whether you believe that Nintendo are the best in the business or not, one fact that remains is that their games rarely crash and rarely need patches...they're more polished at launch compared to other games from other publishers.

All of this is completely irrelevant to the discussion of whether or not Skyrim is unpollished and what pollish means. Any opinions or personal prefrences here are completely irrelevant.

Here is the definition of pollish via google

adjective: polished
  1. shiny as a result of being rubbed.
    "a polished mahogany table"
    synonyms: shinyglossy, gleaming, lustrousglassyMore
    antonyms: dull, tarnished

You understand the term pollish as including being bugfree, I don't share that understanding especially since the bugs in Skyrim are usually technical incompatibilities rather than lack of completeness or poor skill.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank