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leo-j said:
You guys are expecting too much from the wii, you think demand will forever be this high, the fact is it will not. Even if my prediction is wrong the wii will not be in this demand forever thats a fact.

Leo-J, you knuckle-head. We are "expecting too much" from the Wii? That's silly, and so are you. Nobody thinks the Wii demand will outstrip supply forever, however, it will for the forseeable future, and possibly until saturation.


Now, let me explain:


1. You aren't the first person to say "You guys are expecting too much from the Wii." You're just the only one who would dare to say it now, after it pwnd all the guys who said it before you.


2. You say "from the Wii" when you should say "from console sales in general." It's like you refuse to acknowledge that the Wii is the best selling console in history and that it has a chance to continue to be.


3. You expect far more from much more unbelievable things, like the MGS4 bundle. You said that the PS3 would outsell the Wii by 200,000 units worldwide when MGS4 is released. I don't think you're hoping for a perfect storm week of the Wii not getting supply either. You're saying that the PS3 MGS bundle will sell, what, 600,000 PS3's the week its launched?


Are you not expecting too much from MGS?


It's foolish for you to keep doubting the Wii when it has proved you and your hopes wrong, time and time again. Isn't everything you say pro-PS3 wishful thinking?


Are we supposed to take you seriously when we know that all your predictions are based on what you hope could happen in your best case scenerio for Sony?


You telling us that we expect too much from the Wii is what makes us dislike your posts. It's fine to be a fanboy on this site, most people are and we're cool about it. Stop trying to act so undercover with it, and stop pretending its outside the realm of possibility for the Wii to surpass your expectations, because Jesus man, when has it not surpassed your expectations?


Drop the act.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.