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Areym said:
Not in my book. Sony and MS edge ahead because they are trying to get new comers into the consoles, Nintendo just wants to appease the owners. Obviously, you want to do that, but they need to excite those who aren't already Wii U owner. Other have worded it better than me, but yeah.

I completely disagree with this statement.  In my opinion, Microsoft and Sony's 2009 E3's took this approach of expanding the audience instead of catering to the existing one and that damaged both brands.  Kinect and The Move both emerged from that E3 and did so much brand damage that Microsoft even recently uncoupled that gimmick from its console; Sony didn't even bother including it.

Catering to your core is where I think consoles shine.  Trying to be something you're not alienates your existing console base while presenting false expectations for people coming to your console thinking you've bocome something new.  Not one Kinect or Sony Move product was nearly as good as any of the typical fare out of both those houses.