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Aielyn said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
The only thing Mario Kart 8 proved, was that it was the only game able to actually shift a significant amount of Wii U's. It does not provide any information about the prospect of new sales, and every single game you listed has a niche audience, to expect them to sell better than MK8 is ludicrous. The Wii U is not the WIi in any shape or form. In the next 6 months it would have to sell better than it did for the past 2 years off of solely games alone. If Wii U couldn't sell 6.3 when it had the market to itself, what makes you think it will sell more in a quarter of the time with 2 heavy competitors down its neck.

This might come as a shock to Nintendo fans who regulary tout that Nintendo makes the best games quality wise, they don't. Not everyone likes their games and it is rare to find someone who likes all of their games. Hearing that especially pisses me off when you look at how they butchered the Paper Mario Series. The only game that I'm a fan of Nintendo for right now is Smash and I'm almost certain Smash 4 will be worse than Melee, which is my favorite game in the series.

Thanks. I now know not to bother arguing with you. Your entire argument summarises to "Wii U isn't Wii" and "only Mario Kart is capable of even making the Wii U sell that much". When you refer to Smash Bros as "niche", you prove yourself to be full of it.

Run away from the argument because you can't come up with valid counters? Resulting to ad hominem attacks? Typical.

Just because Smash sold the highest on the Gamecube doesn't mean its not Niche. Smash is a "party" fighting game, fighting games are not mainstream in the least bit way, that is the defintion of niche, appealling to a focused demographic.

You seem to believe that: Wii Sports Club, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, X, Animal Crossing U, Watch Dogs, Smash Bros U, Sonic Boom, and 2 unannounced games, black friday and holiday sales, and a "Push" from Nintendo, will push the Wii U to 7+ million this year.

Newsflash: None of those games are mainstream enough and will not outsell MK8 this year. And I can break it down for each and everyone why they will fail to meet your ludicrous Titanfall-esque expectations.

Wii Sports Club: See the effect of Kinect Sports Rivals, that fad is done. Not to mention the original was free and this version is full price.

Bayonetta 2: Hyped simply because its  an exclusive platnum game. The orginal flopped, and this sequel is on a much smaller and less diverse base then the original.

X: Might sell well, but is as niche as Xenoblade was.

Animal Crossing U: Better on the 3DS, its a life simulator that is not mainstream at all.

Watchdogs: Not only will it have the worst version, the game will probably have poor legs, at full price in october it has a worse chance then mass effect did.

SmashBros U: I've already explained, plus the 3DS version will dilute the market. It will not outsell MK8 this year.

Sonic Boom: Any Sonic Fan already knows how this will end.

Holidays, Black Friday: Xb1 destroyed the Wii U last black friday with 3 launch games. PS4 dominated the holidays with 2 launch games. This year its not going to be any easier than the last. Especially, when it was uncontested.

Push by Nintendo: This point you literally pulled out of your ass.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank