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Aielyn said:
Ucell said:
You said its possible. I said its absolutely impossible. Tell me where I skimmed the post?

Even in the best case scenario it is completely unreasonable to expect the Wii U to sell more units in a month than it did in the last fiscal year. Especially since Nintendo released 3 of its 6 big guns last fiscal year.

Well, if you have reasoning to justify your argument that it's "absolutely impossible", provide it. I'm not a person that accepts blind faith of any persuasion - provide your evidence or shut up.

Nintendo released "3 of its 6 big guns last fiscal year"... yeah, except that Mario Kart 8 proves that those games weren't big enough guns. What we have this year, already confirmed, includes a new Zelda, Smash, and Mario Kart. And that's just the confirmed big guns. As so many people have pointed out, Nintendo is in crisis mode - they're going to have more to announce at E3. Wouldn't be surprised by a full-fledged Pokemon console title, new Mario Galaxy, new Metroid, and/or new IP. You'll notice I included "surprises" in my sequence.

But hey, you don't expect them, so it's "absolutely impossible", right?

The only thing Mario Kart 8 proved, was that it was the only game able to actually shift a significant amount of Wii U's. It does not provide any information about the prospect of new sales, and every single game you listed has a niche audience, to expect them to sell better than MK8 is ludicrous. The Wii U is not the WIi in any shape or form. In the next 6 months it would have to sell better than it did for the past 2 years off of solely games alone. If Wii U couldn't sell 6.3 when it had the market to itself, what makes you think it will sell more in a quarter of the time with 2 heavy competitors down its neck.

This might come as a shock to Nintendo fans who regulary tout that Nintendo makes the best games quality wise, they don't. Not everyone likes their games and it is rare to find someone who likes all of their games. Hearing that especially pisses me off when you look at how they butchered the Paper Mario Series. The only game that I'm a fan of Nintendo for right now is Smash and I'm almost certain Smash 4 will be worse than Melee, which is my favorite game in the series.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank