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VanceIX said:
sundin13 said:

A Love Letter to Physical Games:

There is something special about the feeling of having a physical game. Even when I'm not currently playing it, all I have to do is look below my TV to be reminded of all the great times I spent playing it. And when I have yet to finish a game, it is always sitting there, staring at me, begging me to come back and finally be moved to the side where I keep all my completed games. And the feeling of finishing a game and moving it over with all the other great memories that now sit beside it is absolutely wonderful. It is no comparison when I just move a digital game to a new folder or delete it from my hard drive. Physical games give an extra boost to everything great in the game and serve as a reminder to all the great times I spent with it, and because of that, I will always choose physical over digital.

Yours Truly

So, you're saying that the only reason you prefer physical over digital is because of purely emotional attachment, even though the games are all identical other than pure convinience?

People said the same thing when publishers moved from cartridges to discs. People didn't like that discs were flimsier and wouldn't last nearly as long, and that they didn't have the retro feel of cartridges. Publishers didn't care because discs were cheaper and could hold much more data. The same thing is happening now, as digital downloads are much cheaper for publishers and HDD installations are superior to running off of discs, so why not go pure digital? As more and more people drift to digital downloads, Sony and Microsoft will feel less need to include disc drives in all their consoles, and developers will decide to go purely digital more often. There are already rumors that we will be seeing consoles without disc drives this generation, even.

Of course...isn't the whole purpose of games to have fun with? If I can have more fun for a longer period of time with a physical copy, why would I buy a digital copy? I love physical copies because they give me more enjoyment. If the gaming industry goes to all digital I will always be missing out on that one little bit of enjoyment that I get from moving a game to the "completed" pile. There is also some stuff about how I am a bit of a collector, but in the end it really all comes down to emotional attachment. I don't see anything wrong with that, in fact I think it is wonderful. I will be a sad man if physical games are ever done away with...

baloofarsan said:

I was on the edge of buying a PS3 to get to play Ni No Kuni and with prices like that....

Just sayin' but Ni No Kuni isn't very good....if you want to look at something pretty, watch a Ghibli movie :P

archer9234 said:
4. I have no definitive yes if my downloads will work on my PS3 in 20 years. Look at Wii's NWFC. It's dead. All the stores/shop channels can have that fate in the next 10 years. While my cart or disc on my shelf will work.

All digital games on Wii still work and you can still go on the shop...I just bought Mega Man X on it a few days ago.