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List of Skus by Platform

Title Platform Publisher Genre Points Votes
Persona Q 3DS Atlus JRPG 15 4
Ace Attorney Prequel 3DS Capcom Adventure 3 1
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 3DS Capcom JRPG 3 2
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3DS Inti Creates Action 2 1
Super Smash Bros 4 3DS 3DS Nintendo Fighting 59 15
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire 3DS Nintendo JRPG 27 10
Tomodachi Life 3DS Nintendo Simulation 27 11
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney 3DS Nintendo Adventure 4 2
Theatrhythm: Curtain Call 3DS Square Enix Music 5 2
Bravely Second 3DS Square Enix JRPG 4 3
Gunslinger Stratos 3 Arcade Square Enix Shooter 5 1
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare One Activision Shooter 6 2
Destiny One Activision Shooter 2 1
The Elder Scrolls Online One Bethesda WRPG 1 1
Mass Effect One Electronic Arts WRPG 10 3
Mirror's Edge 2 One Electronic Arts Platformer 5 1
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain One Konami Action-Adventure 5 1
Sunset Overdrive One Microsoft Shooter 60 20
Halo 5 One Microsoft Shooter 51 14
Quantum Break One Microsoft Shooter 36 11
Halo 2 Anniversary One Microsoft Shooter 18 6
Fable Legends One Microsoft WRPG 8 4
Halo Master Chief Collection One Microsoft Shooter 3 1
D4 One Microsoft Adventure 2 1
Forza Horizon 2 One Microsoft Racing 1 1
Final Fantasy 15 One Square Enix JRPG 8 3
Kingdom Hearts 3 One Square Enix JRPG 1 1
The Division One Ubisoft Shooter 1 1
Batman: Arkham Knight One Warner Bros Action-Adventure 6 2
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt One Warner Bros WRPG 2 2
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare PC Activision Shooter 2 1
Lords of the Fallen PC Bandai Namco WRPG 2 1
The Evil Within PC Bethesda Horror 2 1
Cyberpunk 2077 PC CD Projekt RED WRPG 2 1
Star Citizen PC Cloud Imperium Simulation 3 1
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number PC Devolver Action 7 2
Costume Quest 2 PC Double Fine WRPG 1 1
Dragon Age: Inquisition PC Electronic Arts WRPG 9 4
Sherlock Homes: Crime and Punishment PC Focus Home Adventure 4 1
A Hat in Time PC Gears for Breakfast Action-Adventure 4 1
Divinity: Original Sin PC Larian WRPG 3 1
Pillars of Eternity PC Paradox WRPG 6 2
Dreamfall Chapters PC Red Thread Adventure 4 1
Alien Isolation PC Sega Horror 4 1
Civilization: Beyond Earth PC Take-Two Strategy 15 5
The Crew PC Ubisoft Racing 2 1
Left 4 Dead 3 PC Valve Shooter 1 1
Kingdom Come: Deliverance PC Warhorse WRPG 1 1
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC Warner Bros WRPG 23 5
Batman: Arkham Knight PC Warner Bros Action-Adventure 6 2
Destiny PS3 Activision Shooter 4 1
Persona 5 PS3 Atlus JRPG 50 14
Persona 4 Arena Ultramax PS3 Atlus Fighting 3 1
Tales of Xillia 2 PS3 Bandai Namco JRPG 30 9
Tales of Zestiria PS3 Bandai Namco JRPG 10 4
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolutions PS3 Bandai Namco Fighting 1 1
Ultra Street Fighter 4 PS3 Capcom Fighting 1 1
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS3 Konami Action-Adventure 8 2
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 PS3 Square Enix JRPG 3 2
Drakengard 3 PS3 Square Enix JRPG 1 1
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel PS3 Take-Two Shooter 2 1
Destiny PS4 Activision Shooter 27 9
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare PS4 Activision Shooter 4 1
The Evil Within PS4 Bethesda Horror 9 2
Doom 4 PS4 Bethesda Shooter 5 1
The Elder Scrolls Online PS4 Bethesda WRPG 2 1
Resident Evil 7 PS4 Capcom Shooter 3 1
Deep Down PS4 Capcom JRPG 1 1
Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4 Electronic Arts WRPG 13 5
Madden NFL 15 PS4 Electronic Arts Sports 5 1
FIFA 15 PS4 Electronic Arts Sports 4 1
Mass Effect PS4 Electronic Arts WRPG 4 1
Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Electronic Arts Shooter 2 2
EA Sports UFC PS4 Electronic Arts Sports 2 1
SOMA PS4 Frictional Horror 2 1
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 Konami Action-Adventure 26 8
Alien Isolation PS4 Sega Horror 3 2
Guilty Gear Xrd PS4 Sega Fighting 1 1
Uncharted PS4 Sony Shooter 46 14
The Order 1886 PS4 Sony Shooter 20 7
The Last of Us PS4 Sony Action-Adventure 5 2
DriveClub PS4 Sony Racing 5 3
Little Big Universe PS4 Sony Platformer 3 1
Gran Turismo 7 PS4 Sony Racing 3 1
Final Fantasy 15 PS4 Square Enix JRPG 55 15
Kingdom Hearts 3 PS4 Square Enix JRPG 9 4
Murdered: Soul Suspect PS4 Square Enix Action-Adventure 3 1
Evolve PS4 Take-Two Shooter 4 2
Assassin's Creed Unity PS4 Ubisoft Action-Adventure 8 2
The Crew PS4 Ubisoft Racing 4 1
The Division PS4 Ubisoft Shooter 1 1
Batman: Arkham Knight PS4 Warner Bros Action-Adventure 17 4
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Warner Bros WRPG 9 3
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS4 Warner Bros WRPG 8 3
Dying Light PS4 Warner Bros Horror 7 3
XBlaze Vita Aksys Adventure 5 1
BlazBlue: Chrono Phatasma Vita Aksys Fighting 4 1
Tales of Hearts R Vita Bandai Namco JRPG 15 5
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment Vita Bandai Namco JRPG 3 2
Drifter Vita Celsius Simulation 1 1
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Vita Devolver Action 7 2
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Vita Nippon Ichi Adventure 12 3
Atelier Rorona Plus Vita Nippon Ichi JRPG 3 1
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited Vita Nippon Ichi JRPG 1 1
Fairy Fencer F Vita Nippon Ichi JRPG 1 1
Freedom Wars Vita Sony JRPG 9 3
Minecraft Vita Sony Action-Adventure 4 1
Gravity Rush 2 Vita Sony Action-Adventure 3 1
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines Vita Sony JRPG 3 2
Road Not Taken Vita Spryfox WRPG 1 1
Pavilion Vita Visiontrick Puzzle 2 1
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Vita Xseed Adventure 8 4
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus Vita Xseed Action 7 2
Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition Wii U DrinkBox Platformer 3 1
A Hat in Time Wii U Gears for Breakfast Action-Adventure 2 1
Cosmochoria Wii U Nate Schmold Action 3 1
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U Wii U Nintendo Fighting 152 39
X Wii U Nintendo JRPG 110 31
The Legend of Zelda Wii U Nintendo Action-Adventure 35 9
Bayonetta 2 Wii U Nintendo Action 33 14
Hyrule Warriors Wii U Nintendo Action 10 3
Fatal Frame Wii U Nintendo Horror 7 3
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Wii U Nintendo JRPG 3 2
Yarn Yoshi Wii U Nintendo Platformer 2 1
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty Wii U Oddworld Platformer 2 1
Armikrog Wii U Pencil Test Adventure 1 1
Hex Heroes Wii U Prismatic Strategy 1 1
Sonic Boom Wii U Sega Action-Adventure 10 6
FAST Racing Neo Wii U Shin'en Racing 2 2
Project Cars Wii U Slightly Mad Racing 9 4
Swords and Soldiers 2 Wii U Two Tribes Strategy 1 1
Watch Dogs Wii U Ubisoft Action-Adventure 26 10
Shovel Knight Wii U Yacht Club Platformer 2 1