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ately there has been some discussion within the community because the admins of the legendary gaming forum NeoGAF were refused badges for E3 because they aren’t considered an “active media outlet with ongoing coverage of the Interactive Entertainment Industry”. This has caused quiite a stir, due to NeoGAF’s relevance, especially considering that it’s definitely seen as a media outlet of sorts by many, and as a good source of news.

Xbox Live Director of Programming Larry Hryb decided to try and rectify the situation, offering a place at the show as Microsoft’s guests:

Ok, let’s fix this. I’ll get you invited to the Microsoft Press Briefing and I’ll set you up to attend the E3 Expo as a guest of Microsoft. There will be no strings attached and no expectations of coverage…just to be fair : )

PM me if you are interested.

It was definitely a nice gesture and not many would turn down that kind of offer, but admin Evilore indeed refused:

Appreciate the offer, Larry. Feels like it would run contrary to our neutrality principles to fly in under the Microsoft banner, though.

Hryb took the refusal in stride, stating that the offer remains open:

No problem. If you change your mind, you know how to find me.

It’s quite praiseworthy to see NeoGAF’s admins put their neutrality ahead of their participation to gaming’s most relevant show. I wonder how many would have did the same in their shoes, instead of just jumping at the chance.