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FromDK said:

Nintendo hired Sony to do a cd drive for N64..

Sony saw all the money in videogaming (or may have done that from start) and suddently they would have the rights to sell games on nintendo's system.. (and becourse there was a "hole" in the contract, they could) That Nintendo would offcourse not let them.. and therefor sony made the ps1 almost 1 year before N64..

It was a very ugly move from sony.. imo

CD games, they had the rights for CD games. They wanted to be more than a one time manufacturer. For that one system.

Nintendo already had a patent on all games made with their cartridges. Not only did 3rd parties have to pay a royalty for that, but also to put the game on the consoles and they had to follow Nintendo's explicit rules such as no more than 4 games a year irc. 3rd parties were effectively owned by Nintendo.

Not to mention the contract was only canceled after the E3 reveal of the system. Sony went to E3, revealed the Nintendo Playstation, and then Nintendo announced that they were working with Phillips. Nintendo didn't want to comprise and wanted complete ownership of the system with Sony just manfacturing for them.

That's a heartless move from Nintendo imo.

What they did was the equivalent of not only standing a girl up at prom but showing up there with another date.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank