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The problem with the forums is a acute lack of taste on the part of posters. Good meaningful or insightful threads get overlooked, because they require too much effort to respond to. While flame bait threads get lavished with attention. This isn't a problem with new posters. A great many established posters are just not making the effort. Basically laziness is winning out. Even though a great number of posters put forth stupendous effort.

However I see a potentially beneficial use for the virtual currency to encourage better posting. I also think we need a secondary form of communication for the subjects that are not worthy of a forum post, but will also allow for inane banter that posters want to hurl between one another.

First we should have weekly posting contests. The ten best posts of each week should receive a virtual currency reward. This will encourage posters to make fewer better posts in hopes of winning the reward. Rather then making twenty smaller posts to earn ten virtual dollars wouldn't it be better to make one great post and win a hundred dollars?

You could then highlight the best posters on the front page for all to see so they can receive their recognition. This would be a great system to encourage great posting. Make the competition about quality over quantity. Have the prizes in these increments. The first five get big prices while the next five get something which should be more then a slew of bad post would get you.


Secondly we could really use a shout box like a small chat room. So posters could duel one another on a more personal level, and posters can ask their simpler questions without wasting forum space.