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Although it being the same price as the PS4 puts it on level playing field one glaring issue remains the same. PS4 is simply still more  powerful, I feel like (and this has been stated by several other users) MS should of just dropped the price to $350. I'm not exactly sold on Xbox being able to compete globally with PS4 at the same price, in fact I still think PS4 will easily beat Xbox in most markets. The wild card is N. America they have shown to never really be brand loyal, but I do think Xbox can and will win this reigon, partially due to the fact that Xbox has done well with it's current price tag of $500. Don't mistake that as me thinking Xbox will dominate N. America either, I think it'll be 55-45 in favor of Xbox.

Anyway what do you think? (This is an opinion piece therefore  I could be completely wrong)