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Terrible article:

However, there are really only two questions on the minds of Nintendo investors at the moment: Why should we ever care about what investors have to say? They have proven time and time again that they have no idea what they are talking about...

I have doubts that the game, no matter how critically acclaimed it is, can save the Wii U on its own: Get over the idea that the Wii U needs to be saved. That is silly. Consumers are the only ones who care about console wars, Nintendo just wants to make money. That doesn't mean they need to "save" the Wii U, just make it profitable.

Zelda Sales are Declining: Errr, no, they just jump around a lot...they always have. The article itself says that, but I guess "Zelda Sales are Declining" is much more sensationalist.

Are Wii U sales too weak to justify a release?: The fuck? That makes absolutely no sense. "Guys, our console isn't selling what we wanted it to so lets just not release any games. I'm sure that will help."

Even if every single Wii U owner bought a copy of the game, it would still fall woefully short of the 8.5 million copies that Twilight Princess sold.: Implying that no more Wii U consoles will be sold...ever.

Nintendo's 3DS, on the other hand, has a much larger user base of 44 million players. That's why Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: Errr...once again, terrible writing. Nintendo released a Zelda game on the 3DS because they released a Zelda game on the 3DS. It would've happened whether the 3DS had sold 10mil or 40 mil....Not sure what install base has to do with this here...

but has since only announced two crossover Zelda titles for the Wii U, Hyrule Warriors, a Dynasty Warriors/Zelda crossover from Tecmo Koei, and a free Legend of Zelda Zone DLC level in Sega's Sonic Lost World.: Because Nintendo should announce more than two Zelda crossovers over the span of 5 months? What?

However, a comparison between A Link Between Worlds and previous handheld Zelda titles also reveals a steady decline in sales.: Well, you could take into the account that ALBW has been out for only half a year, while the other games have been out for years...nah, better ignore that because it doesn't work with out point quite as well. Also, when all is said and done, the title will be AT LEAST the fourth best selling handheld zelda game which is fairly respectable...
EDIT: Oh, and I would like to point out that standard digital sales are around 15% of retail sales, meaning that ALBW could have sold around 2.3million copies by now, not 2million...

Sales of A Link Between Worlds might rise throughout 2014, but it won't likely outsell Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks. Therefore, it appears that interest in the Zelda series, on both home consoles and handhelds, is waning.: Okay, fair enough, I take back my previous statement that the article was ignoring all of the facts. But still, the DS had anomalously high sales, just because things are back to normal again doesn't spell doom...

Why Nintendo loves Mario more than Link: Well that just sounds stupid...Mario is a mascot, Link is a character. Big difference.

A new Triforce might not be enough to save the Wii U: Just...just stop. I already explained why this is stupid...

and Mario-related games outsell them by a wide margin: Mario games outsell almost everything...does that mean everybody else should just give up and stop making games?