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also just to throw out there data caps ... mine was unlimited is now 300gb a month, not enough i had to cancel some of crashplan backups, and degrade my plex streams to avoid going over limt.... and help me if i ever have to re download everything in steam as that is over a TB at this point. using pfsense and subnets i have enacted data caps on different services i run exempting only mine craft and my xbox, even with that i find myself coming close to caps every month.

I would even pay to move to a business plan if i could, offered where i live. no other services with higher data caps, i could move to a much slower connection with 250 gig cap.

when i move next time i will try and make sure the new location has access to business class. this however should not be a requirement. if an unlimited plan will cost more I would pay for it, even if its slower.
right now my speed is about 125Mbits down and 22Mbits up i would be happy with 30down and 30up if unlimited

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog