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Top 25 Skus


Title Platform Publisher Genre Points Votes
Mario Kart 8 Wii U Nintendo Racing 175 43
X Wii U Nintendo JRPG 121 36
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U Nintendo Fighting 103 33
Final Fantasy 15 PS4 Square Enix JRPG 61 17
Halo 5 One Microsoft Shooter 53 14
Uncharted PS4 Sony Shooter 52 16
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 Konami Action-Adventure 50 14
Persona 5 PS3 Atlus JRPG 48 14
Quantum Break One Microsoft Shooter 43 15
The Order: 1886 PS4 Sony Shooter 35 14
Batman: Arkham Knight PS4 Warner Bros Action-Adventure 33 9
Destiny PS4 Activision Shooter 33 11
Tales of Xillia 2 PS3 Namco Bandai JRPG 30 9
Halo 2 Anniversary One Microsoft Shooter 27 8
Bayonetta 2 Wii U Nintendo Action 26 11
Kirby: Triple Deluxe 3DS Nintendo Platformer 26 8
The Legend of Zelda Wii U Nintendo Action-Adventure 26 8
Sunset Overdrive One Microsoft Shooter 23 9
Super Smash Bros 4 3DS Nintendo Fighting 23 8
Kingdom Hearts 3 PS4 Square Enix JRPG 21 6
The Witcher 3 PC Warner Bros WRPG 21 5
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Vita Nippon Ichi Adventure 19 5
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Vita Xseed Adventure 16 6
Drakengard 3 PS3 Square Enix JRPG 16 5
The Witcher 3 PS4 Warner Bros WRPG 15 6


Top 26 Games


Title Publisher Genre Points Votes
Mario Kart 8 Nintendo Racing 175 43
X Nintendo JRPG 121 36
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U Nintendo Fighting 103 33
Final Fantasy 15 Square Enix JRPG 71 20
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Konami Action-Adventure 62 17
Halo 5 Microsoft Shooter 53 14
Uncharted Sony Shooter 52 16
Destiny Activision Shooter 50 17
Persona 5 Atlus JRPG 48 14
The Witcher 3 Warner Bros WRPG 47 17
Quantum Break Microsoft Shooter 43 15
Batman: Arkham Knight Warner Bros Action-Adventure 35 10
The Order: 1886 Sony Shooter 35 14
Tales of Xillia 2 Namco Bandai JRPG 30 9
Watch Dogs Ubisoft Action-Adventure 29 13
Halo 2 Anniversary Microsoft Shooter 27 8
Bayonetta 2 Nintendo Action 26 11
Kirby: Triple Deluxe Nintendo Platformer 26 8
The Legend of Zelda Nintendo Action-Adventure 26 8
Sunset Overdrive Microsoft Shooter 23 9
Super Smash Bros 4 3DS Nintendo Fighting 23 8
Kingdom Hearts 3 Square Enix JRPG 21 6
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Xseed Adventure 20 7
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Nippon Ichi Adventure 19 5
Dragon Age: Inquisition Electronic Arts WRPG 19 8
Drakengard 3 Square Enix JRPG 16 5