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gamrconnect Most Wanted: May 2014 - Results!

This was the biggest Most Wanted Feature since at least 2011, with a total of 104 voters, of whom 103 filled out the poll properly. At points, we have had about half this many voters on this feature. Thank you all for voting. I hope you enjoy reading the results.


Total Points 1569
Average Points 12.35433071
Total Votes 522
Average Votes 4.11023622




Publisher Appearances Points Votes
Nintendo 13 541 166
Microsoft 10 167 53
Sony 10 129 48
Square Enix 9 119 37
Warner Bros 7 95 31
Konami 4 65 18
Atlus 3 61 21
Activision 7 53 19
Ubisoft 9 51 23
Namco Bandai 3 51 18
Electronic Arts 9 41 15
Nippon Ichi 5 33 9
Bethesda 4 20 7
Xseed 2 20 7
Sega 5 19 7
Devolver 2 13 5
Take-Two 2 13 5
Capcom 2 10 6
Aksys 1 6 2
Shin'en 1 5 2
Gears for Breakfast 1 4 1
Inti Creates 1 3 2
CD Projekt RED 1 3 1
Visiontrick 1 2 1
Two Tribes 1 1 1




Platform Appearances Points Votes Average
Wii U 16 502 156 31.375
PS3 14 143 47 10.21428571
PS4 31 408 134 13.16129032
One 19 220 73 11.57894737
360 1 2 1 2
PC 21 107 36 5.095238095
3DS 11 96 39 8.727272727
Vita 14 91 36 6.5